
MINISTRIES Amazing Grace Choir: This is the Church choir. They are charged with the responsibility of creating an atmosphere conducive for the move of God in our services and meetings. Outreach (Evangelism) Unit: This unit is saddled with the responsibility of organizing evangelical crusades, medical outreaches, welfare outreaches Technical Unit: This department records and markets messages preached at the Gospel Outreach Ministries in various formats - audio tapes, CDs, VCDs and DVDs. They provides media coverage for all our services and events and produces the church program - The Winning Walk. Ushering Unit: Making sure there is order in the House creates an avenue for the move of God in our midst. This daunting task is done by our ushering department Intercession Unit: The business of prayer cannot be overlooked. This is keenly seen to by various units in our Prayer and Intercession directorate. They also organize the daily prayer meetings of the church and it's all-night prayer meetings. Youth Aflame Fellowship: YAF, a youth department of Gospel Outreach Ministries is saddled with the responsibility of reconciling youths to God, building the strongest, largest, wealthiest and most vibrant youth in the whole of southern Nigeria, Africa and beyond. Wise Men Fellowship: Our Wise Men meet regularly to learn to be leaders and good disciples of Christ. The goal of this group of visionaries is to enhance the lives of men; both young and old. Agape Women Fellowship: The vision of AWF of Gospel Outreach Ministries is equipping women to affect their family, ministry and society positively for Jesus through indefatigable commitment to sharing the agape love (God's divine love) to others for the purpose of winning them for Christ. Under the leadership of Rev. Mrs. J. Igbinosa, the fellowship has decided to establish a day care and nursery center where infants can be raised in the fear and nurture of God.

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