Friday 11 October 2013


Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to 3, Neh. 9:20-21. Isaiah 59;19, Lk 1;35-37
Paul calls these days we live in PERILOUS TIMES he said men will be afraid of these days we live in, but that we live in evil days does not qualify CHRISTIANS to be AFRAID because the WORD says "Be of good cheer I have overcome them" so if GOD has overcome them in these evil times, all we need do is to rejoice and celebrate in the victory GOD has given to us.
In the book of Genesis chapter 1, the bible talks about the days after Satan was thrown out of heaven, he came to the earth and created all kinds of evil on the earth making things bad on earth, as a result, the bible said "The earth was void and darkness was upon the face of the deep" which means things were chaotic, things were bad, no man to help, but GOD's Word says that "HIS SPIRIT moved upon the deep and GOD began to say things.
In Nehemiah, the bible hares with us some of the problems that the children of Isreal went through in the wilderness, it was a terrible experience, sometimes they lack water, sometimes they lack food but the bible said that GOD led them by HIS Spirit and because of that, they were provided for, they had food, water and their feet did not swell.
In Isaiah, it was in the days of an enemy, the enemy was rising but in the midst of all this, the bible says "The Spirit of GOD will raise a standard against the forces of the enemy".
In Luke, an Angel visited a virgin announcing to her that something is about to happen in her life that has never happened before but she asked the angel how can these things be?, such that has never happened before, the Angel said "it is by The Spirit, the Spirit will come upon you and when it does, it will overshadow you and the child you will give birth to will be of GOD it will not be of man, that same Spirit is already at work in the life of your cousin Elizabeth she is pregnant with child, this is the 6th month of her pregnancy" and Elizabeth has been nicknamed by people as 'barren', 'unproductive' but her name changed because the Spirit of GOD was working something good in her life.
Most times because men are limited, when they are faced with difficulties, they think they will never surmount the obstacles but I submit to you my brothers and sisters that the Spirit of GOD is alive and well, he dwells amongst us and HE is working something good in your life and HE will not leave us alone.
In Acts 28, Paul in the high sea, his ship was to capsize but he overcame and was able to land as it was cold, he gathered sticks to make a fire, while gathering the sticks, something unfortunate happened, a venomous beast called a viper was amongst the sticks and as he gathered the sticks, the viper stung him. Onlookers expected him to expand, collapse and die but he waited in vain.
I don't care the evil people that are waiting expecting something bad to happen to you, I tell you GOD will change their mind, HE is about to do a new thing in your life, HE will help and strengthen you, in the name of JESUS...
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